For adults
Bet, we bring you to a nicer smile?
There are many reasons for orthodontic treatment for adults. A beautiful smile gives a positive impression, strengthens self-confidence and simplifies social contacts. In addition, a disturbed purchase function can have massive harmful consequences such as reinforced tooth melting and pain in the jaw, neck or back etc. Furthermore, standing teeth are easier to maintain and it makes mouth hygiene way easier.
There are many treatment methods: If, for example, you do not want brackets that are visible from the outside, we recommend the Invisalign method.
Orthodontic treatment can also be extremely useful as a preparation for later supply of crowns, bridges or implants. Contact us!
Step by Step
So that you can not only bite powerfully, but can also smile nicely.
Here you can find out everything about the course of your treatment, from initial consultation to the successful completion.

Initial consultation
You are welcome to inform yourself about the possibilities of orthodontic treatment: Simply make an appointment and, if available, bring current X -ray images.

Initial documents
In addition to the personal examination, prints, X-ray images and photos are necessary for a complete diagnosis to plan the treatment in detail. Moreover to therapy, the expected treatment costs are also presented in writing, in the healing and cost plan. We will send you the healing and cost plan before the plan meeting so that you can submit it to your private insurance if necessary. If the statutory health insurance company is involved, we will send the corresponding cash register plan for you, directly to your insurance for approval.

Plan meeting
At this date we will discuss the details of the healing and cost plan. Alternatives may be presented. You can also ask further questions about treatment here.

Start of treatment
If necessary, special impressions for digital movement planning, will be made. Or you will get your first treatment. The handling of this will be explained to you.
Treatment methods
How nice: all teeth in are the right place.
There are different methods of treatment: We advise you on the versatile possibilities and select the optimal method for you.

Transparent bracket
With the Invisalign method we have a treatment that works without a stuck brackets visible from the outside. It takes place with the help of transparent, individually made plastic rails.
For patients with lower tooth misalignment, we produce transparent rails (clear-aligners) with which we can remove the malposition in a short time.

Mini screws
Unwanted forces that affect your teeth compensate for us, by building up an abutment in the form of anchoring. An ideal option is the mini screw.

Small stops, the so -called brackets are glued to the individual teeth. The brackets can consist of different materials such as metal or ceramic.
A metal ring, also called the band, is set around the back teeth. In a slot over which the brackets have, an arch is brought in, which specifies the direction of the correction.

Proprothetic treatment
If a tooth tilts clearly into a tooth gap, it will be loaded unfavorably when chewing. Before the gap is closed, it should be pushed back to his right place.

Combination treatment
In the case of severe misalignments with a massive mismatch of the upper and lower jaw, a correction with orthodontic treatment is not possible. In consultation with an experienced jaw surgeon, a corresponding jaw operation would take place after orthodontic pretreatment. The fine adjustment of the teeth afterwards is orthodontic.
Long-term stabilization
After the active phase of the treatment, the result will be stabilized because otherwise it could deteriorate again. Through a retainer - a glued stabilization wire on the back of the front teeth - it is possible to maintain the beautiful result in the area of the anterior teeth in the long term. Depending on the indication, we also manufacture removable stabilization devices (clip, rail, etc.), which also hold the molars in the desired position.
What does it cost, how much time?
Find out more about the costs within the framework of a contract dental care and a private treatment.
As part of the contract dental care
If the patient is at least 18 years old at the beginning of the treatment, the following provisions apply: In the case of severe jaw anomalies that have to be treated combined, jaw surgical and orthodontic, statutory health insurance companies take care of the treatment. Nevertheless, the patient must initially take on a 20 percent own contribution to all orthodontic cash benefits that will be reimbursed when the treatment is successful. The profitability requirement applies to treatment within the framework of the contract dental care.
If you want treatment that breaks the narrow framework of the health insurance supply, this is of course possible on a private basis. Just inform us!
Under certain circumstances, you can claim treatment costs or co -payments as self -paying as an extraordinary burden in your income tax return. von Krankheitskosten
Ask your tax advisor!
As part of a private treatment
If there is no cash indication for orthodontic adult treatment, the care is carried out as part of a private treatment. If you are insured privately for the area of orthodontics, let us know. Please present the healing and cost plan for your private insurance.
If you are entitled eligible for aid, please clarify whether your aid covers orthodontic treatment for adults on a pro rata basis. This is usually not the case.
If you do not have private insurance coverage for the area of orthodontics, the costs that are specified in the healing and cost plan must be covered by you.
Under certain circumstances, you can claim treatment costs as self -paying as an extraordinary burden in your income tax return. von Krankheitskosten
Ask your tax advisor!